Welcome to Year 6 2023-2024!
I am so excited to have you all back at school for a new year! I know you are going to make an amazing Year 6 class. I am looking forward to seeing you grow and develop this year as you get ready for secondary school. Through this year, you will have a range of teachers to help you progress in different subjects!
Mrs Carlisle will be teaching you Art, DT and Computing.
Miss Bates will be teaching you Science.
Mrs Cawsey will be teaching you First Aid.
OLOL Music company will begin to teach Music this year and this will take place on a Thursday.
Mrs Webster will teach German and Miss Prescott will teach PE on a Friday. Please ensure that your PE kit is in for a Friday with outdoor PE kit in school with a pair of trainers as we will be using the field for PE lessons a lot this year.
As in Year 5, Homework will be given out on a Friday and needs to be back in for the following Wednesday and this will include Maths, English and Spellings each week. Spelling tests will be on a Friday now as they started to be last year. Please keep trying to work on essential learning such as times tables (using TT rockstars), spelling rules and reading every day if possible!
As always, if there are any issues, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for your continued support,
Miss Queenan