
Welcome to Reception!

In Reception we follow the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework’, which consists of the following areas of learning:

Prime Areas

  • Communication and Language
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development

Specific Areas

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Children in Reception continue to learn through play building their confidence and knowledge of the world around them.  They participate in focused groups with an adult to deepen and solidify their knowledge in various areas.  Areas of our classroom are well defined with intentional and purposeful play based activities set out. We create a language rich environment to provide the children with a safe and secure classroom which enables them to build confidence in themselves as they learn new skills and explore the curriculum.

The teaching Staff in EYFS

Our EYFS Lead is Mrs Dexter.

Our Reception Class Teacher is Miss Turner.

Our Teaching Assistant is Miss Anthony.

Our PPA cover teachers is Mrs Riding.


All children in Reception have daily sessions of Phonics, Maths and Literacy. They also follow a weekly timetable of focused tasks consisting of the following:

Monday – RE and Topic

Tuesday – PSED

Wednesday – Topic

Thursday – Music and PE

Friday – Communication and Language

Please ensure your child comes to school with their PE kit on a Thursday to give them the best opportunity of participating fully in the PE activities.

In EYFS our ethos is to allow the children to always have access to free flow activities both indoors and outdoors in all weathers. We therefore ask that all children come to school with the following items:

  • Wellington boots
  • Waterproof suit/trousers and coat
  • Gloves, hat and scarf for cold weather
  • Sunhat for warm weather
  • Sun cream for warm weather

Once Upon a Time

Our topic this term is ‘Once Upon a Time’. We will be exploring different Traditional Tales such as Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Little Red Riding Hood and Billy Goats Gruff. We will listen to a whole story and comment on what is happening.

We will use our imaginative skills to retell what has been read by retelling a story using new vocabulary. We will discuss and make suggestions about what might happen next in a story. We will create art work based on these stories.


In RE in Lent Term we will be focussing on the following 3 topics:

  1. Celebrating
  2. Gathering
  3. Growing

Home Learning

Children in Reception will receive an accurately matched phonics reading book to bring home each week on a Friday. The children will keep this book for the following week to practice at home at least 3 times and then return this book on the following Friday. Please refer to the ‘Phonics and Early Reading’ page for further support with this.

Children will also bring home a ‘Reading for Pleasure’ book they choose themselves. This is for you to share at home with your child and enjoy spending time reading together!

Your child will bring home a spelling book in Lent Term. This will consist of 3 high frequency words we are focussing on it class. Please practice these at home with your child to help them with their reading and early writing skills. These do not need to always be written in their books, you could us magnetic letters, sand, chalk etc.