In Nursery we follow the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage’, which consists of the following areas of learning:
Prime Areas:
Communication and Language
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Physical Development
Specific Areas:
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
Children in Nursery learn through focused groups with an adult and through child initiated activities. The classroom’s extra provision is planned to match our current topic or book we are reading.
The teaching Staff in EYFS
Our EYFS Lead is Mrs Dexter.
Our Class Teacher is Miss Jennings.
Our Teaching Assistant is Miss Dean.
Our EYFS Apprentice is Mrs Bacon.
Our PPA cover teacher is Mr Davies.
All children in Nursery have daily sessions of Maths, singing, phonics, counting songs, communication and language activities and personal, social and emotional activities. They also follow a weekly timetable of focused tasks consisting of the following:
Monday – RE
Tuesday – Communication and Language/PSED
Wednesday – Literacy
Thursday – PE
Friday – Topic – Understanding the World and Expressive Art and Design
Please ensure your child comes to school with a pair of trainers on a Friday to give them the best opportunity of participating fully in the PE activities.
In EYFS our ethos is to allow the children to always have access to free flow activities both indoors and outdoors in all weathers. We therefore ask that all children come to school with the following items:
- Wellington boots
- Waterproof suit/trousers and coat
- Gloves, hat and scarf for cold weather
- Sunhat for warm weather
- Sun cream for warm weather
Winter Wonderland!
Our topic this term is ‘Dangerous Dinosaurs’. We will be exploring the pre-historic world and learning about the different dinosaurs that roamed our planet many years ago. We will be thinking about Reptiles and exploring the features of a reptile.
We will use our creative skills to sing songs about dinosaurs, create art work based on what we know from studying dinosaur fossils and look at pre-historic mammals.
Finally we will be taking a trip to a local wildlife park to see some real life reptiles and exploring where they live, looking at their features and what they like to eat.
In RE in Pentecost Term we will be focussing on the following 3 topics:
- Good News
- Friends
- Our World