Year 2

Welcome to Year 2 2024-2025!

I am so excited to have you all in my first class at St Josephs! I know you are going to make an amazing Year 2 class and that we are going to achieve lots together this year. I am looking forward to seeing you grow and develop, and being a part of your journey. We have made lots of exciting changes to the classroom so that there are many opportunities for you to further develop your reading, times tables, and written skills. We also have a welcoming calm corner for you to access to support with your emotional regulation. There will be lots of teachers supporting you with your learning this year.

Mrs Carlisle will be teaching you Art and RSHE.

Mr Davies will be teaching you PE.

OLOL Music company will begin to teach Music this year and this will take place on a Wednesday.

Please ensure that you come to school wearing your PE kit on Wednesdays with a pair of trainers as we will be using the field for PE lessons too.

Homework will be given out on a Friday and needs to be back in for the following Thursday and this will include a half-termly grid for our Topic and RE, and Spellings each week. Spelling tests will be on a Thursday.

As always, if there are any issues, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Locke.

Street Detectives

Our topic for this term is called Street Detectives. We will be building on our knowledge from year one about where we live and we will be finding the human and physical features of our local area using basic geographical vocabulary. We will also be exploring significant events, people and places in Shirebrook.

Y2 Autumn Topic Cover Page

Knowledge  Organiser Geography

Knowledge Organiser Street Dectives History

Land Ahoy!

In this topic we will be learning about explorers in the past. We will be thinking about why they travelled around the world and the impact that they have on our lives today. In geography, we will be learning about the wider world and will be able to locate the 7 continents and 5 oceans!

Y2 Lent Topic Cover Page

Knowledge Organiser Land Ahoy History

Knowledge Organiser Land Ahoy Geography