Year 4

Welcome to Year 4 2024-2025!

I am so excited to have you all back at school for a new year! I am looking forward to seeing you grow and develop this year. We have made lots of exciting changes to the classroom so that there are opportunities for you to learn and develop new skills. There will be lots of teachers supporting you with your learning this year who are specialists in their subjects.

Mrs Carlisle will be teaching you RSHE, Art, DT and Computing.

Mrs Webster will be teaching you German.

Mr Davies will be teaching you Science and  PE.

OLOL Music company will teach Music this year and this will take place on a Wednesday.

Our PE day is Wednesday. 

Children can now come in their PE kits on Wednesday. This is black joggers and jacket and a white polo shirt. 

Homework will be given out on a Friday and needs to be back in for the following Wednesday and this will include TTRockstars homework (at least 30 minutes practice) and Spellings each week. Spelling tests will be on a Friday.

In addition to weekly homework, the children will also need to complete homework from their RE and Topic homework grids.

As always, if there are any issues or if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Egerton

Indus Valley

Our topic for this term is called Indus Valley! This is all about an Ancient Civilisation in South Asia during the Bronze Age era 3300BC to 1300BC. We will learn about the location of the Indus Valley Civilisation and the significance of its location in the Indus Valley near mountains and valleys. We will also be looking at what life was like for people living in this civilisation from the jobs they did to the games they played. We will also be looking their inventions and drawing conclusions on how advanced they were for their time!

Topic Cover Page Advent Y4

Geography Knowledge Organiser

History Knowledge Organiser

I am warrior!

Our topic for this term is called I am warrior! This is all about the Anglo-Saxon’s and the invasion into England and their struggles in the Kingdoms. Know about the Anglo-Saxon settlements and how they ruled their Kingdoms, looking at their civilisation and lifestyles including their religious beliefs and the impact of the Christian conversion. We will also be looking at the impact the Anglo-Saxon’s had on Britain. For the Geography side of this topic will be looking at the invasion of the Anglo Saxons and the physical geography of Britain that attracted them to settle there.

Topic Cover Page Lent Y4

Geography Knowledge Organiser I Am Warrior

History Knowledge Organiser I Am Warrior

Raiders and Traders

Our topic for this term is called Raiders and Traders! This is all about the Viking struggle for the Kingdom of England. We will be thinking about the historical significance of why the Vikings came to Britain and the tactics for invasion including warfare. We will be looking at significant individuals during this time such as Alfred the Great and the belief and lifestyles of Vikings including crime and punishment. In Geography we will be focusing our studies on the coastlines of the UK including its features, settlement and trade. We will use our new knowledge to make comparisons between coastal towns outside of the UK and how they are affected by tourism

Topic Cover Page Pentecost Y4