Headteacher’s welcome

Welcome to St Joseph’s Catholic Primary Voluntary Academy

Welcome to our school website!

St. Joseph’s is a Voluntary Academy, which is part of the Our Lady of Lourdes, Catholic Multi-Academy Trust. We are situated on the border of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.  Our School serves the Parishes of St. Joseph’s Shirebrook, St. Bernadette’s Bolsover and St. Teresa’s Market Warsop.

Our Mission Statement is ‘Trusting in God, Creating Tomorrow, Helping Today’. Through living this out, we know that our children always have a deep faith and trust in God through all of his plans. This allows our children to help those who need it today and so create a better tomorrow for us all to live in.

We aim that our children enjoy a successful primary school at St Joseph’s. We carefully plan our curriculum and experiences so that all children will have everything that they need to be happy healthy and successful members of society when they leave us. Our safeguarding curriculum and culture will ensure that they will know how to keep themselves safe and  will feel loved and protected. They will be well prepared for their next stage of education and will be have the resilience and growth mindset to face future challenges.

Through our RE curriculum and throughout the Catholic Life and Mission of our school, children will  have a deep rooted faith. We aim that they will have a solid knowledge that God is with them and has a plan for them all as they journey on alongside him as missionary disciples. Our School mission and vision supports every child to  leave school with a deep rooted faith which will enable to make decisions in their lives which call upon Catholic Social teaching, the Gospels and a love of God’s creation. Throughout their time at St Joseph’s children will have  the opportunity to develop their relationship with God whilst they consider their vocation and their place in an ever changing world.

Our ambitious, well structured curriculum ensures that children have strong foundations of knowledge and understanding.  Children will be given the opportunity to study different periods of history and will understand the influence of these and how these link to others. Their love of learning and thirst for knowledge which has been nurtured through high quality and engaging teaching will be the foundation which they can build all future learning. Their knowledge will be backed up by skills they have been given the opportunity to practice and develop. They will have developed a love of reading and can confidently develop their own learning through research and reading.

As headteacher, it my aim that all of our children develop as a result of the many opportunities and experiences they get at St Joseph’s so that they become ambitious, confident, polite individuals who know how to manage their emotions, regulate and have healthy, happy relationships. When they move onto their next stage of education, children will be confident in their own ability and excited to take their place in the parish and wider world using the foundations from their outstanding journey throughout their lives.

At St. Joseph’s, you will receive a warm welcome from children, staff, parents and governors.  We work very hard to create an environment where children feel safe, happy and motivated to learn.

You are very welcome to visit the school to find out more about us.

We very much look forward to seeing you and hopefully working with you and your children in the future.

Yours sincerely,

Dani Seaman
